Return Policy

Returns and cancellation


Your complete satisfaction is Nutricelebrity’s ultimate goal!

You may return any unopened, unused item for a refund within 14 days of receipt. Return Shipping costs and a 10% restocking fee are applicable.

If the product is damaged or defective, it can be returned within 30 days.

Nutricelebrity does not accept returns for any other reasons. If an order is placed with a special request, a return cannot be accepted.

To initiate the return process, please follow the steps below:

  • Send an email to or call (909) 468-0808
  • In your communication, please make sure to include the following:
    • First + Last name
    • Order number and Date
    • Reason for your return

Our customer service team will quickly assist you with your return!

Once we have received and inspected your return, a refund will be issued to the same payment form as tendered at the time of purchase. Depending on the status of your return, shipping charges and restocking fees may be applicable.


Cancellation is only permitted when an order is in pre-shipment. Once this order has been shipped, we cannot cancel for any reason.

If you would like to cancel your order, send an email to or call (909) 468-0808. Make sure to include the following information:

  • First + Last name
  • Order number
  • Reason for cancellation